Circuit Breaker (Smart Switch Price In Bangladesh)

A circuit breaker is an electrical Smart Switch Price In Bangladesh designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by excessive current, short circuit, or overload. Its primary function is to interrupt the flow of electricity in a circuit when abnormal conditions occur, preventing potential hazards such as electrical fires or equipment damage.

Remote Control Smart Switch

Remote control switches, also known as remote-controlled outlets or wireless switches, offer the convenience of controlling electrical devices or appliances remotely. These devices provide various facilities and advantages, including:

Convenience, Energy Efficiency, Home Automation, Accessibility, Security and Safety, Expand Ability, Versatility.

Auto Water Pump Controller

An auto water pump controller, also known as an automatic water pump controller or a water pump pressure switch, offers several facilities and advantages for controlling and managing water pump operations. Here are some of the key facilities provided by an auto water pump controller:

Automatic Operation, Water Pressure Regulation, Protection and Safety, Energy Efficiency, Pressure and Flow Monitoring, Ease of Installation and Use, System Protection, Flexibility and Customization.

Showing 1–12 of 17 results

Click Remote Control Switch 1 Fan and 2 Lights (ক্লিক রিমোট কন্ট্রোল সুইচ 1 ফ্যান এবং 2 লাইট)

Click Remote Control Switch
Learn Code Function: Short prees ☢️ 2 times, then long prees ☢️ until the 3rd speed LED light blink, don't remove hand and press any button on the remote, until the 3rd speed LED light off, it mean learn code function succeed.

8 Way RF Remote Control Switch ( আট উপায় আরএফ রিমোট কন্ট্রোল সুইচ)

Digital RF Remote Control Switch YD-Dt08 High Quality Remote Control Switch Price In BD. You Can Easily Turn On And Off Electrical Equipment By Remote And Any Angle.

Click Multi Plug 5 Port 5 Meters 2 Pin (ক্লিক মাল্টি প্লাগ 5 পোর্ট 5 মিটার 2 পিন)

Click Multiplug Price In BD It's Most Useful And Popular Multiplug In Market. Additional Switch In All Port With Single Fuse And 16 Feet Cable.

Super Star Supreme Extension Multi Socket (সুপার স্টার সুপ্রিম এক্সটেনশন মাল্টি সকেট)

690.00৳ 1,130.00৳ 
Super Star Supreme Extension Multi Socket (Multi Plug With 15 Feet Cable) High Quality Multi Plug In Market And Latest Model In Super Star Group.

5 Port, 4 Port, 3 Port And 4 Port With 2 USB.

DP 63A RCCB CNJINZE Residual Current Circuit Breaker 30mA 230V Outlet Micro Leakage Protector (DP 63A RCCB CNJINZE অবশিষ্ট বর্তমান সার্কিট ব্রেকার 30mA 230V আউটলেট মাইক্রো লিকেজ প্রটেক্টর)

Investing in an RCCB circuit breaker is a smart and necessary step towards ensuring electrical safety. It protects against electric shocks, prevents fires, safeguards appliances, and complies with safety regulations. Don’t wait for an electrical mishap to occur—install an RCCB today and enjoy the confidence of a safe and secure electrical system.

Super Star 6 Pin Socket Price In Bangladesh

Super Star Most Demanded High Quality 6 Pin All Rounder Combined Socket